Monday, July 17, 2006

Oregon and Washington

Some interesting laws about these two states:


(1) No sales tax.
California is 8.25%. Feels like being robbed when coming back to shop in CA.

(2) By law, you have no rights to pump the gas on your own although you are perfectly able to do that. Some gas boy/girl will come, get your credit card, punch those buttons, then put the handle in your car and you just sit still in the driver's seat. Feels nothing but silly.
Once in a gas station, I got a very old lady to do that, could you image how I felt ? But this is the law.


(1) "Delay of five vehicles is illegal, must turn out."

I really appreciate this law. Were you ever in a situation that there is only one lane but the car before you just hesitates in every move ? Now in Washington, they will be punlished by law, not by your horn ( Never used it though).

Talking about driving speed --- when you are on the road, would you think those drove slower than you are stupid but those faster ones are maniac ?
My speed is the best, always :-)



Blogger allegro said...

Seems like Oregon is the state to live in!

I felt uncomfortable at full service gas stations, too, especially in bad weather. But then I got used to it. I guess it helped not to have old ladies to pump gas for you. Somehow I still feel that we should tip them.

You are right: we always have the right speed!

6:22 PM  

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