Monday, March 10, 2008

Monday Syndrome

I believe I am having all of these today:
Monday Syndrome + Daylight Saving Time Syndrome + Allergy from Flowers

I got a running nose, red eyes and sore throat, all of these probably
come from Allergy; But I also feel self unmotivated ( Monday Syndrome),
sleep deprived( One Hour earlier ) and depressed.

Just wondering why US congress would make the summer saving time one week
earlier every year. Does it really make sense or it is just a way for
them to show power? Really stupid movements, like the corn ethanol

My hubby joked:" Today is going to be a crazy day for
you. Anybody either get out of my way or die." Really? Did I behave
that irrationally?

Well, anyway, I am trying to put things under control. But, Damn! :-(


Blogger allegro said...

Hope you feel better on Tuesday :)

10:38 PM  

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