Monday, June 08, 2009

This new Microsoft searching engine was just out about a week ago.

It has some cool new feature --- If you just place your cursor on the video thumbnails ( without clicking your mouse ), it will play automatically!
I think I have been wanting this kind of feature for quite a while...

What about Google? --- Are they doing any significant improvement about their search engine ? No! Other than the free lunches and the one-million dollar idea website, they are not really having anything innovative in the recent years.

Competition is good!

Let's see how this new product impact the search engine market...



Blogger allegro said...

I didn't have a good experience with Bing. Yesterday I decided to give it a try. I searched for an obscure scientific term, which I admit, was very specific and was only published 4 months ago. Bing returned with nothing, while Google found the right reference in addition to some irrelevant stuff. Needless to say, I will have to be better convinced to start changing my habit.

8:18 AM  

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