Monday, December 10, 2007

Stuffy Factory

Thanks for the stuffy factory toy we bought yesterday, finally Katherine made several stuffy girls for herself after owning hundreds of stuffy animals, cartoon chracters and all other kinds of stuffy friends. I believe she has almost everything in the stuffy product lines --- all in series collection --- Care bears, Dora(s), TeleTubbies, Hello Kitties, Baniyanigens (?), Piglets, Leos, Miss. Spiders ... She remebers all her collections and would exactly recall what she has missed in the series in the store. For this, I seldom disppoint her except when she had been extremely bad during the week.

Finally she knows how a stuffy animal was made. It is out of hard work and delication! I felt like the "深圳打工妹" when we used the stuffy factory machine to make her toys yesterday. Those hard working girls! It is a good toy design,
to bring the kids in the stuffy process.

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