Saturday, June 09, 2007

The Evolution and the Global Warming

Two things caught my mind in current political arena, rather bizarrely I may add, are evolution theory and the global warming. The reason I feel funny is that I always assumed these two issues should only be discussed by sound scientists instead of egregiously misinformed politicians. Man! I am wrong.

Three of the ten Republican presidential candidates, one senator, one governor, and one congressman, raised their hands during the presidential debate when asked by the host “WHO DON’T BELIEVE THE EVOLUITON ?”. Astonishing, isn’t it? Wait, there is more.

It turns out, when I googled it lately, only 9% American people actually believe humans evolved without God’s being involved according to CBS news/NY times poll conducted in November 2004. Among those 93% people who believed in God’s involvement, 55% of them believed the Bible literally, which means God created the earth in six days about 6000 years ago.

Scientific community, however, initiates countless efforts to educate the public.
The result, obviously seen from this poll, is not pleasant. The deep down reason, I figure, is that people want a simple answer for a very complicated inquiry. Creation is a simple answer, therefore, it prevails. Even thought evolution may win this battle some day, religion could still hold the final fortress in the mind of the mass majority. Yes, because it will provide simple answer anywhere, anytime for the unlimited curiosity of human being.

Another red hot topic is the man-made global warming phenomenon, which came from, of course, the other end of political spectrum. I have to admit the global warming hurts me deeply by just looking at my utilities bills of last summer. However, the “man-made” part really got me confused. Are we human powerful enough that we can actually change the earth climate by changing daily activities? Ice age started melting down millions of years ago, long before the very existence of the human being. I doubt turning off my car will stop this trend.

Ok. Let’s put the creationists and the advocators of the global warming together and think about their philosophy root. My discovery may offend both groups immediately: I think they are, believe it or not, sharing the same ideology---that is, the human entitles unique status in the universe and bears the full responsibility for whatever happened on the Earth. Bible is filled with such stories that mankind got harsh punishment from the Almighty by committing some eerie behavior.

According to the dominated view of the most Hollywood celebrities--- they were never wrong about scientific research---- the global warming is inevitable. My suggestion is to give the evolution some faith instead of to push us back to the primitive society.


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