Friday, August 29, 2008


我们家的奥运宝宝也快满月了,不再满足于刚开始几天吃了睡,睡了吃的猪猪生活, 开始更高要求了。

比如说今天,吃过晚饭, 非得我抱着才肯睡,一放下就哭。如此三番四次,我琢磨他尿布干干的, 吃得也很饱,决定试他一次:让他哭几分钟。他扯着嗓哭了会, 最后几下音调高高,我觉得熬不住了, 正准备再抱他起来, 突然地就不哭了。 一瞅,已经撅着嘴睡着了,小粉脸还有些气气的样子。

心下窃喜: 总算可以歇会手哪。老公也乐了, 来一句: "我们家Isaac 也是个纸老虎嘛." 笑倒。

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Monday, August 25, 2008

Bejing 2008 Olympic

14 days great games. China won big with 51 gold medals and 100 medals in total. The first time China is in the first place of golds and the second place in the totals.

US won 36 golds which put it in the second place but a total 110 medals in leading of all other countries.

In all US news these days, the table is in the order of total medals so US is still the #1 Sports country. Americans always think and believe they are the greatest country in all categories, despite its economy's sliding down these days.

Bejing 2008 Olympic is a good sign for China's rising. But the city evictions of the poor and immigrant workers are really appaling. It would be better if its political advancements could be in pair with its economic growth.

Ok, back to the games ---

Micahel Phelps, Usain Bolt are the two great athelets in the 2008 olympics. Phelps won 8 swimming medals and Bolt renewed three world records in 100 meter, 200 meter and 100 meter relays. Great great performace.

Of course the great efforts of Chinese atheletes to achieve the 51 gold medals are being appreciated by 13 billion Chinese people.

Bird nest, Water cube, Artistic opening ceremony, Extravagant closing party....
All will be in the memeory of the world, and the history.


Obama-Biden Ticket

Finally Obama picks Joe Biden--- the Delaware Senate, who criticized him harshly at the primary election, as his running mate. Feels the father-son combination is really unattractive. Who needs the old man Biden?

Maccain is also old, but his personality is much more appealing. Besides, he got a beautiful wife who looks as elegant as a first lady :-)


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