Tuesday, June 16, 2009


看看国内防猪流感闹得如火如荼, 就知道当初中国文革是怎么闹起来的。 Sign!

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Signs of Aging


以前看"滚滚红尘", 最显眼而且印象深刻的就是林青霞的手腕,青筋暴露, 虽然她的妆容还显得很年轻。

红颜与枯骨, 相隔也就那么一线。


Monday, June 08, 2009


This new Microsoft searching engine was just out about a week ago.

It has some cool new feature --- If you just place your cursor on the video thumbnails ( without clicking your mouse ), it will play automatically!
I think I have been wanting this kind of feature for quite a while...

What about Google? --- Are they doing any significant improvement about their search engine ? No! Other than the free lunches and the one-million dollar idea website, they are not really having anything innovative in the recent years.

Competition is good!

Let's see how this new product impact the search engine market...


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