Tuesday, August 29, 2006


1。吃 "Tree"
刚开始学语言,女儿最喜欢的是 "Sky","Butterfly","Cloud""Tree", etc. 一日去餐馆吃饭,端上来一盘西兰花炒牛肉,女儿看了便大叫: "Tree, Tree" ... 随之倨案啖"树".

2。 丹顶鹤
动物园刚进门的地方有一群丹顶鹤,女儿极之喜欢,便买了一只玩具丹顶鹤,每次去动物园必带。但之后她便不愿再在该处多做停留,每次紧紧抱着她的丹顶鹤催着快走。 问其原因,答曰怕被那些同伴叫着飞走。

3. 撞头
儿子还不大善于用言辞表达他自己,但极为聪明,没想有一天也干了蠢事。 一日突然大哭,过去看看怎么回事,问他,用手指指门,还用头狠狠撞一下,疼得龇牙咧嘴,又哭,不过也算让我们明白原委了。 :-)

4. 字母
女儿喜欢字母,常将她们当作朋友, 还有一个具有双重身份的朋友。 这便是"M". 她经常拿着"M"对我讲"em", 然后翻过来, 念 "Da-Bu-Niu".特乐。

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The First Day of School

I used to be little,
but not any more
Tomorrow I'll get up and walk out the door.
I'm going to school --
It's the first time for me.
It's great to be big, but I'm scared as can be.

My tummy's in knots.
Do you want to know why ?
I'm thinking that maybe, just maybe I'll cry.
When Dad leaves the school and I'm there all alone,
I'm thinking that maybe I'll want to go home.

But wait -- Mommy said I'll play lots of new games,
and meet lots of friends ---I can learn all their names.
The first day of school, oh there's so much to do !
There's painting and books and a big playground, too.

I used to be little, but not any more
Tomorrow I'll get up and walk out the door.
I'm going to school -- It's my first day you see.
It's great to be big! I'm so glad that I'm me !

--- From Daughter's school teacher


Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Fall Movies ( 秋季影评 )

EW just released its fall movie preview. I believe most of those lists will go straight to video rental shelves. However, there are three movies indeed catch my attention for different reasons.

1. 007 “Casino Royale”

When United Artist announced that Daniel Craig would be the new James Bond, those diehard 007 fans from all over the world suddenly turn into Owls, they all shouted: “ Who? Who?” Some have been outraged by his hair color, some are curious about his sexual orientation. Behind all these frustration is the uncertainty about the cold-war style spy plot in the unfitted post-cold-war era.
The recent two 007 movies featuring Bond thwarted a corporation CEO and intervened a real lunatic. Are we comfortable enough to see our fictional super spy working as an IRS agent or brain shrinker? That explains why the new movie wants to bring back the “Casino Royale” and reintroduce it as if the other twenty 007 films never existed, only this time there are no Sean Connery and the evil empire. It is definitely a bold move but inevitable fruitless. Unless Daniel Craig admits he is gay and the new Bond girl is played by Brad Pitt, the 007 series are, eventually, going down the hill.

2. "The Departed"

Speaking of down the hill, Martin Scorsese’ new film “ The Departed” is scheduled release in Oct. 2006. I saw the Hong Kong version of this movie (无间道) two years ago. It’s really a dull plot. Can Martin Scorsese re-shape it in a more vivid way? All things considered, the odds doesn’t look so good. Let’s face it, he deserved an Oscar either for “Taxi Driver” or “Good Fellas”, but after that, especially in recent years, he started to lose it. I have a suggestion for his next Oscar inquiry. Ok, I have three with all the benign intention ---

First, find a new PR person who can take care of Martin’s off-screen people skills. You don’t really think the beloved Clint Eastwood and Jack Nicholson took multiple awards by accident.

Second, ditch Leonard DiCaprio. The truth is out that he is never going to be another Robert De Niro. Even with Joe Pesci waving baseball bat behind him, Leonard still remind audience of the sidekick boy from “Growing Pain”.

Third, Martin should use AX instead of scissors to edit his movie. No movie should last four hours and no conversation should exceed twenty minutes. My idea is to have a law mandate all movies to be capped within two hours. If some weirdo desperately need a four-hour movie, he can just watch the same movie twice.
Wait, there is one more thing, Martin. Please stop doing those America Express ads. Tons of less talented directors enthusiastically want to squeeze in the commercial business.

3. "Maria Antoinette"

Sofia Coppola and Kirsten Dunst represent, by all means, the hope of Hollywood youngest generation. Ironically, they teamed up for an old saga in“ Maria Antoinette”.
Why the Queen of France? After all, she was not a significant figure in French history but an exciting character in world literature. Her name in history book means the very own greedy venom in Versailles. What is interesting is, in the meanwhile, she was also an extremely elegant lady. On her way to the guillotine, she accidentally stepped on the executioner's foot, and her last words were, "Monsieur, I ask your pardon. I did not do it on purpose." It always makes me wonder what she actually thought at that moment since my grandfather told me this story when I was a kid. Was she plain retarded or there were something else, spiritually, tranquilized her mind to face her destiny? Apparently, the inner conflict of the main character generates real challenge for both the actress and director.
As a matter of fact, I think Drew Barrymore is more suitable to play this role than Kirsten Dunst. A former coming back and turning around child, Drew probably has more understanding about this derailed personality. And of course, her chubby appearance will help too. I believe Sofia Coppola will agree with me if she can afford Drew.

---Written by HeDou in August 2006


Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Racoon 和 无花果


也许是因为这香气,吸引了附近的一对Racoon,每晚必来。看得出Racoon 妻子怀孕了,大腹便便的。每天这个做丈夫的守着准妈妈在无花果树下大快朵颐。我们开了后院的灯,他们也不怕,照旧吃得甜滋滋的, 小眼却四处张望着,怕邻居家的狗窜过来。




Wednesday, August 09, 2006


科学总是在不断进步的。但是艺术呢?现代社会,没有了达芬奇,没有了李白,也没有萧邦和柴可夫斯基, 连可和他们比肩的人似乎都没有。是艺术没落了吗?


最初的艺术表现方式大概算原始舞蹈和壁画吧。 郎情妾意的舞姿,最根本的动机是求偶,有时庆祝丰收。壁画也如此,想想敦煌的"飞天",还有很多如 "Da Vinci Code" 里描述代表两性的原始符号。

后来,有了笔墨纸张, 有了帆布,东方发展了水墨画,西方衍生了油画。音乐方面,有各种各样的乐器,从最初的打击乐到弦乐如古筝,吉他之类。


那么,未来还可能有些什么形式呢?可预知的如"Interactive Games", 博客也是一种可能的新方式, 还有呢?

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Monday, August 07, 2006



终于,找到原因了( 还是我们家能人找到的 ),这个"病毒"居然是--加州热浪!电脑被放在一个不太透风的地方,以前没事,但气温高的时候就不行了,大量密集的运行让电脑酷热,高频率电容罢工所以死机。先生将电脑搬了个地方。 好了!谢天谢地!



Friday, August 04, 2006



(1) 个体生存:


我们需要朋友,关心自己的族群, 所有这些,都是群体生存的需要。




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Wednesday, August 02, 2006





"Friends". 郑重推荐。


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