Wednesday, July 25, 2007


最近在 上购得光滑云子一套, 还又新鲜竹板做的棋盘。和禾斗大战两局, 一胜一负,不亦乐乎! 两孩子也都好喜欢, 还煞有介事的对垒, 不过是往上你一手我一手的摆子罢了。 找机会慢慢给他们启蒙吧。

围棋和我们家颇有渊源。十几年以前, 和老公便是以之相识的。那时我还是所谓的科大女子围棋亚军, 很得意的一件事便是胜过一少年班女生。 刚开始下棋老公战战兢兢,觉得数学系的女子亚军可不是好对付的。 不过, 很快我的弱点就被发现了, 老公得意扬扬地提出让我四子。 现在还是让我四子。他曾有志进军棋界, 在一次比赛中败给一少年后便心灰意冷了。其实大可不必, 那位少年后来是全国少年围棋冠军。运气不好过早地碰上了。


Friday, July 20, 2007




Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Puzzle Pieces (2)

She can do better and faster than me now, with the 48 piece puzzles. What an adaptive kid !

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WM ( Waster Management ) Strike

East bay waste management workers have been on strike for two weeks now. All the green wastes and recyclebles are still left outside unattended. Fortunately they loaded the real garbage away last Friday, otherwise the city could become rotten and smelly, and there is possibility of health problems.

Hope the company can resume service this week. I heard that they have to get emergent waste workers from outside of state as all W-workers of nearby cities are supporting the strike although they are not on it themselves.


Tuesday, July 10, 2007


很喜欢这张, 觉得颇有味道, 也贴一下。在 Grand Teton 附近照的。

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Sunday, July 08, 2007

Yellow Stone: Geysers

1. Old Faithful

2. Beautiful Pool

3. Mammoth Hot Springs ( Almost dried )

4. Norris Geyser Basin

5. Grand Prismatic Spring

6. Silex Spring (Lower Geyser Basin)

7. Daisy Geyser ( Upper geyser basin)

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July Cicular Trip

We visited several national parks during the independence holiday week, making a big circular trip.

1. Crater Lake, Oregon

It has deep blue color and amazing water clarity. The lake partly fills a nearly 4,000 feet (1,220 m) deep caldera that was formed around 5,677 (± 150) BC[1] by the collapse of the volcano Mount Mazama.

2. Vista House of Columbia River Gorge ( Crown Point ), Oregon

The Crown Point Vista House was built in 1916. It is located in eastern Multnomah County, approximately 15 mi (24 km) east of Portland. Crown Point is the best known of the scenic lookouts along the Columbia River Highway, providing a panoramic view of the Columbia River.

3. Glacier, Montana

Little snow left, it might be completely gone soon, under the current global warming weather. It is better to call it " Melting Glacier National Park", but the View in the Logan pass is still spectacular. Anyone wants to see it get to be hurry.

4. Scenic Highway 89, Montana

Many Indian Reserve Places are there. Unlimited grasslands. I think US could accomodate all the existing immigrants, legals or illegals, by just viewing at those lands :-) Also all the upcoming immigrants should be welcomed. Population creates fortune, not poverty.

Imagine how people is scarce in the big country state: Montana has almost the same area as California, but there is only one congrassman from Montana ( 53 from CA).
We visited its biggest shopping mall in Helena, the capital city, on July 4th, Oh, my! Feels like a ghost place with very few shoppers come-and-go. That is unimaginable by us from California, which is usually hard to find a parking spot even during weekdays in the malls.

5. Yellow Stone National park, Wyoming

This is a beautiful park with many unique features. Huge. Its wild animals would worth a separate blog description, let alone those geysers and hot srings.

6. Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming

Feels like it is part of Yellow stone. Its mountains and lakes gives a "Gui-Lin" familarity.

7. Salt Lake city, Utah

Sorry. No pictures. But the intersting thing is a Walmart supercenter in the salt lake city. it is the most crowded Walmart I have ever seen, at 11pm! It is about 93F degress at that time, so I imagine it must be about 120 degrees during the day time, and people have to get out during the night to get their needs. I believe it is another indicent caused by global warming. That walmart also has a huge two stories parking lot.

I like Walmart Supercenters --- you can get all the daily goods from only one store. California usually vetoed a super center version of the walmart as residents are afraid of attractions of lower class people to the neighborhood. What a pity.

8. Highway I-80, near Winnemucca, Nevada

We saw the wind-whipped blaze near the city UPCLOSE, smokes and burning dust, when we drove home from West I-80. The highway is closed today. It is lucky that we decided to get home earlier than planned.


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