Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Honey Bee 的消失

New! ---MSNBC 的新闻连接

前两天看 CNN 新闻,科学版的, 讲从去年年底开始,美国以及欧州的 Honey Bee 减少了将近一半。由于媒体铺天盖地的报道Virginia Tech 的枪击案, 这条新闻估计没引起多少人注意。

其实,就真实的影响来讲, 这条新闻重要得多。Honey Bee 在食物链里是很重要的一环,很多谷类,水果都靠Honey Bee 授粉结子。Honey Bee 大规模的减少会引起饥荒,至少会让很多养鸡场的家禽食物短缺, 连带的会影响经济,以及对人类的食物供应。

Honey Bee 为什么会减少这么快? A Total Mystery. 而人类对这方面的研究及相应对策根本没有,一旦 Break Out 恐怕会措手不及。

蜜蜂是靠生物磁场来导航的。,所以有猜测讲可能是空气中的各种无线电信号手机信号太多导致蜜蜂迷失。 我们无所顾忌的消费着大自然 (譬如用手机 Twitter之类 ),人类的消亡,可能会比我们预测的早得多。


Friday, April 20, 2007


两只很漂亮的小鸽子在我们屋檐下安了家。 这几天忙着衔泥筑巢, 来来回回的在我们的玻璃门外穿梭。 看着他们蓝色的小尾巴,听着他们啾啾叫着, 心里格外的温润,似乎,几天前的校园杀戮, 以及,几千里外的战火纷飞,都不曾存在过。


Sunday, April 15, 2007


不管是连载小说还是YouTube, 很多在网络上成名的人,其初衷,不过是娱人娱己。

而一旦被发掘,与金钱和利益扯上关系, 才情, 往往便会平淡了下去。

所谓"有心栽花花不发, 无意插柳柳成荫", 也是这个意思。


Friday, April 13, 2007

" The Lake House "

Beautiful Love Story.

I watched the movie yesterday. Really got moved. The same name novel had been very popular.

Another reason I like the movie is that Keanu Reeves looks really like my hubby, the version when he was slimmer.

For those of you who are interested, below is the plot described in wikipedia ( I meant to write the summary on my own but got lazy.) ----

The movie centers around lonely Dr. Kate Forster (Sandra Bullock ) who, on a winter morning in 2006, reluctantly leaves the beautiful lake house where she has been living for a job in a Chicago hospital. On her way to Chicago, she leaves a note for the lake house's new tenant asking him to kindly forward her mail and telling him about the paw prints by the front door and the box in the attic.
However, Alex Wyler (Keanu Reeves), the new tenant, sees a different lake house, one which was neglected, dirty, and there were certainly no paw prints. He disregards Kate's letter until a few days later; he is painting the walkway to the house and a stray dog runs across the fresh paint leaving paw prints where Kate said they would be. He writes back to Kate, only to discover that they are separated in time by two years, with Alex living in 2004 and Kate living in 2006 (the year the film was released). In her second letter to Alex, Kate writes: "Oh, by the way it is 2006. Has been all year, ask anyone." Kate mentions she is presently [in 2006] living at 1620 North Racine in Chicago. Alex goes to that address [in 2004], with the intention of personally delivering a letter to her at her apartment, and discovers that an unfinished construction site exists at 1620 North Racine. Alex estimates that the site will not be finished for another 18 months.

As Kate and Alex continue to correspond through the mailbox, they find themselves falling in love. Because Kate is in the future, she can tell Alex where to look for her in 2004 in places she has been. On one occasion, she asks Alex to bring her back something important (a gift from her father; her favorite novel by Jane Austen called Persuasion), which she left two years ago during a train station meeting with her then-beau. Alex goes to the station and finds the item and sees Kate with long hair. Even though he has the item, he does not place it in the mailbox to return it to her. Instead, he says that he will return it to her personally, "one way or the other."

By the same dog that put prints on the walkway, Alex and his female suitor Mona, whom he is uninterested in, meet Kate's boyfriend Morgan and are both invited to attend her birthday party. At the party, Kate is frustrated with Morgan's sincere but smothering ways. She wanders outside, where Alex is sitting, attempting to determine how to let this earlier version of Kate know that her "letter paramour" is here in person. Kate does not know who Alex is, as their relationship is in her future. However, the two share a dance and a romantic moment, but it is interrupted by Morgan and Mona.

Determined to bridge the distance between them at last and unravel the mystery behind their extraordinary connection, they tempt fate by arranging to meet. After a failed attempt at a date meeting at Il Mare, a fancy restaurant (an homage to the original Korean motion picture), in 2006, Kate retreats, believing she will never have happiness. She urges Alex to move on.

Kate later learns that a person who was hit by a bus earlier in the movie was actually the 2006 version of Alex. She warns him via the mailbox and changes the past, allowing Alex to escape his original fate. In the end of the movie, Alex and Kate share a passionate kiss. "


Monday, April 09, 2007

Circus Trees

I took photoes of these famous circus trees in Banfonte Garden, Gilroy last weekend. For a history of it, click : Wikipedia Circus Tree

1. Basket Tree:

2. Zig-Zag tree:

3. (Forgot name ...)


Wednesday, April 04, 2007


能写美文的女子,通常都不太漂亮。 譬如席慕蓉,亦舒,张爱玲等等。而一般世间公认的美女,有没有美丽的情致无从查考,却少有文字流传于世的。也就是说, 他们很少是才女。

林徽因也许是个例外。她不仅颠倒众生,也是个出类拔萃的的才女。可惜罹患肺结核, 很早就辞世了。另外还有林黛玉, 不过是小说中的人物, 咱们就不讨论了。感觉上既美也才的女子往往是心比天高, 命比纸薄, 也许天妒红颜吧。


如果能够选择, 你做美女还是才女?


Tuesday, April 03, 2007

"石头"的背景 ( By HeDou )


这样的导演手法,在中国以外的电影市场上,尤其在独立制作的和小成本的影片中比较常见。"疯狂的石头”就象极了Guy Ritchie 的 "Snatch" , 最大的不同在于,前者的主角是一个翡翠,后者的故事围绕着一块钻石。


"罗生门"应该是最早最出名的非线性电影了,Stanley kubrick's "The Killing" 好象也挺早的,而且也更具有娱乐性,不象"罗生门"如同嚼蜡,但不知什么原因不如前者有那么大的影响力。集大成者应该是Quentin Tatantino's "Pulp fiction",前面提的 "Snatch" 也勉强算吧。只是和"疯狂的石头"相比,这两个作品血腥有余,幽默不足。而有一部在Hollywood 默默无闻的电影Barry Sonnenfeld's "Big Trouble" 却是以搞笑为主的非线性电影,又可惜缺乏深度,净是一些家常笑料。

去年得Oscar的 "Crash" 和今年被提名的 "Babel" 则是非线性电影在社会性题材上的代表作。然而,在这两部电影分别得奖和被提名之前,尽管影片中巨星云集,票房却惨淡不堪。究其原因,我觉得,用非线性的手法描绘严肃的社会性话题是一个艰巨的挑战。无主角,多线索本身就会让大多数观众很难完全理解,再加上沉闷的单一主题,如果没有暴力,搞笑等噱头的话,让观众糊里糊涂静坐两个小时,实在有些强人所难。



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