Friday, October 19, 2007

The Hat Day

This is a beautiful story --- A kid with cancer got bold from some chemical treatment and had to wear hat to school. He felt sad but only finding out all his classmates were wearing hats, to be with him... Now there is a foundation called "Heavenly Hats" established and named after the story. It is getting very popular in schools.

Today is Katherine's school hat day, to raise fund for the organization. Most kids wore hats to school. All kinds of hats, even some Halloween costume hats. Students also would ask their parents to donate or volunteer for the event.

This is a noble cause and I'd very much like to participate. I wish most of the donated money would go to the cancer treatment research, just like I know this is impossible.

In those non-profit organizations, usually over half of the raised money would go to overhead --- administration, events organization, awareness, etc. Everybody knows about the breast cancer organization, right? There are those pink ribbons everywhere. But from Reader's Digest report, 70% of those donations went to programs in raising more fund about it, very little goes straight to breast cancer research. What a waste of money!

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Friday, October 12, 2007


老二开始写字了,很爱学。我的孩子, 我该如何最好地教你呢 ?是不是应该整天守着你,不浪费你求知的一分一秒呢?



社会的变化就和"温水煮青蛙"一样, 温度是慢慢增加的。在一个地方久了, 很不容易意识到这种不知不觉的缓缓的蜕变, 等知道时, 已经是来不及逃不掉了。

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Wednesday, October 03, 2007


最近去一些公共场所,如公园,动物园和水族馆, 已经很少见到墨西哥人了, 据说加强国土安防和限制雇主雇佣非法移民之后, 很多墨人都躲起来了, 还有很多非法墨人被遣送回境,很多墨西哥人聚集的地方被突袭, 查找偷渡客. 另外, 还有一些小镇开始立法,租房必须要有合法的居住文件,非法移民很难安身下来了.


非法移民是有错的. 但现在美元下滑,房市危机,美国需要便宜劳动力和便宜货物来阻止通货膨胀,也需要移民租房买房来抬高房市, 更需要高科技移民来提高国家的劳动生产力, 稳住美元。现在大肆立法逐客,限制合法移民,不知议员们都怎么想的?

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Experience Enrichment ?

最近怪事连连, 好多事都意想不到,长见识。以后有机会再细说。


Little Computer Guru

Katherine is using "Google" to search her favorite web sites, without us saying a word.
Way to go, my little Miss Sunshine!


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